Time to Use: N/A
Focus: All (trance), 1 (Instant/Another)
Difficulty: Easy* (Trance), Moderate (Instant), Difficult (Another)

Effect: When activating Accelerate Healing, the Jedi must declare which method they are using:

Method 1: Trance
  • A Jedi expends all of their focus (students are treated as having 1 focus for trancing), but may move around or interact as normal. During the trance, the character regains 1 HP per round, per focus used, until they reach maximum HP or drop the power.

Method 2: Instant
  • If the difficulty is met, the Jedi instantly regains their result -5 HP.

Method 3: Another
  • If the difficulty is met, touched target instantly regains the result -5 HP. If character is below -10 HP, character receives result -31 in HP. If this does not bring the character to 0 or higher, the character dies.

If any form of Accelerate Healing is used on the same person during the same day, it is considered dangerous, and will also increase the difficulty one level to activate the power for each repeated use. The recipient of said healing is fatigued and drained of energy, receiving -1D to all actions for each repeated use until given a chance to rest. Rest must be performed for a significant period of time, equal to 10 minutes (60 rounds) of in-game time, to negate 1D of penalty. Eating the equivalent of a meal or ration pack reduces this time by 25%. Drinking water (or similar life-sustaining fluid) reduces this time by 25%.

Accelerate Healing cannot regenerate lost limbs or body parts.

If a target wishes to resist this power for whatever reason, they may roll Control or Strength attribute against the user's activation roll.

Extremely powerful uses of Accelerate Healing (very difficult result and greater) will cause an aura of blue (or Red, if under the influence of the Dark Side) to emanate from the Jedi, and/or their target. The higher the result, the brighter the aura. This should be taken into account by GMs and players, during instances where such a glow would have some kind of an in-game effect.

Rank Required: Initiate
See Also: Control, Control Breathing, Control Pain, Remove Fatigue, Retain Consciousness, Detoxify Poison, Hibernation Trance
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