Civilian clothing - Ethan's outfit is in a pretty poor physical condition; it has seen a lot of wear and tear and it appears not to have been washed in months.

Jedi Light Battle Armor
Personal Armor
Scale: Character
Value: 4,000
Availability: 4,X
Protection: 1D/1D/1D
Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 61)
GM's NOTE: This armor is custom-fitted to the wearer and does not carry a -1D DEX penalty.

Utility belt - A standard utility belt, this one has a handful of pouches containing a three-day supply of food capsules, a basic tool kit, a glow rod, and a couple of empty pouches for whatever else the wearer wants to add.

Tool Kit - A kit of various tools for electronics and mechanical devices, the tool kit provides +2 equipment bonus to all Repair and Craft checks.

Crystal Alignment and Assembly Roll:
R2D2: Ethan rolls 13d6 +1 and gets 6,1,1,3,3,1,1,1,5,5,3,6,6 (43).


├ Color: Teal
├ Damage: 4D+2
├ Value: 12,000 credits
├ Bonuses: None
└ Cost: 9640 credits

└ Synthetic Danite (4D+2 base damage)

Other Modifications:
├ Cell Recognizer (encrypted for: Ethan, Callista, Raine, and Matthias)
└ Pressure Grip

Leonan Gladius (Mk. X) - Legionary Short Vibrosword
├ Phrik Alloy Energy-sheathed Vibroblade
├ Pommel: 5D STUN
└ Dmg: STR+3D

├ Model: Standard knife
├ Type: Melee weapon
├ Scale: Character
├ Skill: Melee combat: knife
├ Cost: 25-35
├ Availability: 1
├ Difficulty: Very Easy
├ Damage: STR+1D (maximum: 6D)
└ Source: Rulebook (page 228), Tales of the Jedi Companion (page 125)

Jedi Training Stave
Type: Melee weapon
├ Scale: Character
├ Skill: Lightsaber, Melee Combat
├ Cost: 5
├ Availability: 1
└ Damage: STR+1D (maximum: 5D)

Scout's Survival Pack
├ Type: Custom survival pack
├ Cost: 900-2,000 cr
├ Availability: 2
├ Contents: breath mask, personal comlink, datapad, water purifying canteen, glowrod, hold-out blaster (3D), macrobinoculars, medpac, personal moisture vaporator, rations, recording rod, survival shelter, syntherope, thermal flare, aquata breather.
└ Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (pages 82-83)

Ethan's Padawan Lightsaber Design
External Slots: (10)​
├ Basic components: 5​
├ Cell Recognizer: 2​
├ Pressure Grip: 3​
└ Total DC for External Slots: 10
Internal Slots: (7)​
├ Basic components: 5​
├ Cell Recognizer: 1 (+2DC)​
├ Pressure Grip: 1 (+2DC)​
└ Total DC for Internal Slots: 9
Total Design DC: 19​
Total Design DC Achieved: 26​
Ethan threw 6-faced dice Reason: LS Repair 5D + 1D+2 EA:T for 6D+2 Total: 26 (2, 2, 4, 6, 4, 6 +2)


R4 Agromech Droid
: Industrial Automaton R4 Agromech Droid
Languages 3D
Repulsorlift operation 4D
Search 3D
Computer programming/repair 4D+2, droid repair 4D, repulsorlift repair 5D, security 4D
Equipped With:
-Three wheeled legs (one retractable)
-Internal comlink
-Photoreceptor with infrared vision (can see in the dark up to 30 meters)
-Internal storage (extra space available for 8 kilograms of storage or upgrades)
-4 tool mounts (has four appendages that have tools attached to them)
-Acoustic signaler
Move: 8
Size: 1 meter tall
Cost: 2,500
Source: Arms and Equipment Guide (page 49)


Padawan Lightsaber Parts
(crafted on board the Kar'Ta Tor, in the Forge belonging to Corvus Dalen's battleship)

External Components
Case and Grip+21000c
Recharge Port+2250c
Blade Emitter+21500c
Belt Hanger+2150c
Internal ComponentsTypeCost
Diatium Power Cell+23000c
Inert Power Insulator+1200c
Crystal Mount+21250c
Cycling Field Energizers+21500c
Activation Control Circuits+2750c
Total Costn/a9640c (Paid)

Cell Recognizer
  • 1 Small sensor array (800 credits)
  • 1 Recognition chip (350 credits)
  • Pressure-Sensitive Switch (200 Credits)

+case and grip +1 switch (from Cal's sheet)

Synthetic Danite Crystal (4D+2) - Teal (Rare!)

Model: BioTech Medkit
Type: Enhanced first aid and care system
Skill: First aid,medicine
Cost: 1,200; 2,200 (black market); 1,000 to reload medpacs
Availability: 2
Game Notes: A medkit functions as a medpac that can be used up to 10 times. The diagnostic instruments in the kit can also be used to diagnose diseases afflicting a patient, to assess health, and for other basic medical uses on an Easy first aid roll. The kit also allows a character with the medicine advanced skill to perform field surgery (which exhausts the kit's medpacs)
Source: Gundark's Fantastic Technology (page 82), Pirates & Privateers (page 47)

Customized Medical Backpack (fits the Scout Survival Pack)
: Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company ECM-598
Type: Advanced Medical Kit
Skill: First Aid
Cost: 600
Availability: 2
Game Notes:
Treat all components as requiring an Easy First Aid roll unless otherwise noted. Each kit contains the following items:
  • Hand-Held Diagnostic Scanner: Easy First Aid or Moderate Sensors roll. Provides readout of patient's vital signs, specifics on injury and recommended procedures.
  • Medicines: Anesthetics, blood pressure, respiration and pulse regulation compounds, as well as other essential medicines (for a number of common species).
  • Emergency Procedures Database: Easy Computer Programming/Repair roll. Based on initial scanner findings, this emergency database provides the user with a quick reference collection of treatment procedures.
  • Filtration Mask: Supplies sufficient oxygen flow; may also be connected to one of several other atmospheric compound bottles for non-oxygen breathers.
  • Heat Closure Packs: Pressurized sealant bandages with medicines which, when exposed to air, cauterize and sterilize a wound up to 10cm in diameter.
  • Laser Scalpel: Difficult First Aid Roll. Precision cutting tool.
  • Medicine Dispenser: Moderate First Aid roll. Can be loaded with a variety of medicines.
  • Portable Repulsor-Stretcher: Collapsible one-person operation anti-grav stretcher capable of supporting up to 150kg.
  • Pressure Cuffs: Circular metal sleeves of varying diameters (5-30cm) which inflate pressurized chambers around wound area.
  • Sterile Heating Cloth: Covers an area up to 1.6m x 0.75m with a sterilized, heat-insulated covering.
  • 2 Universal Plasma Fluid Sacks: Requires Moderate First Aid roll. Intravenous feed provides universal plasma stabilization serums.

Greedy Rucksack - It's black and shaped like a gargoyle. This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 1 foot in diameter at the mouth and 2 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet and weighs 15 pounds, REGARDLESS of its contents. To identify all properties: Force Alchemy DC 25 OR Sith Alchemy DC 21 (Success! Raine rolled 35 using Sith Alchemy to uncover the full properties of this bag.) NOTE: Any living being can only survive up to 30 seconds in the bag, before suffocating to death.


Puffer Pig
Type: Non-sentient mammalian species

Dexterity: 2D
Perception: 4D
Strength: 3D

Move: 10
Size: 1.5m tall, 1.5m long

Special Abilities
Ability to inflate: Puffer pigs can inflate their bodies when they are scared or sense danger, doubling their size, and becoming much harder to wound. They add +2D to their strength to resist all physical damage when inflated.
Ability to smell precious minerals: Puffer Pigs have extremely sensitive senses of smell, and can be used to locate minerals within the soil gaining +1D to their perception to sense them within the soil.

Description: Puffer pigs were a non-sentient mammalian species. They were capable of sniffing out valuable minerals with the efficiency of a dozen mining scanners, making them very valuable to smugglers and miners. The Mining Guild was known to pay very well for the animals. When frightened, puffer pigs would inflate their bodies to massive proportions, and were capable of multiple size increases if further threats occurred.


Callista: Gift of Native Soil from Hapes (using Plant Surge on any seed planted in this soil receives +1D bonus)
Raine: Live Organism Comfort Conveyor
Uriel: Z-6 Jet Pack
Corvus: Astromech Voice Box

1 Wine Bottle - Chandrilan Blue '427 - Label: "Shae & Sons, '427 - Reserve Stock - Nayli, Chandrila"

Value: 3,250 Credits (Note for GM: This is an older, small-batch artisanal vintage of the now-popular and very expensive '439,)

1 Potted Plant - Grappaberry Vine Cutting - From: Shae & Sons Vinyard
Value: Unknown, but highly sought after.

500 grams (5x100g of Mandalorian Iron)

This item was gifted to Lana by Phoenix; loot chest was found in the General's Waiting Room, under a bench.

Escape from the Revenant Loot:
Stormtrooper Helmet
Model: Standard Stormtrooper Helmet
Type: Military armor
Scale: Character
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 3, X
Game Notes:
*Armor Protection: +2D physical/+1D energy (HEAD ONLY), -1D Dexterity and related skills. Armor Repair DC: 25 to custom fit.
*Comlink: Tongue-activated helmet comlink.
*Sealed Body Glove: Climate controlled breath mask allows operation in uncomfortably cold or warm climates and toxic-air environments.
*MFTAS: Multi-Frequency Targeting Acquisition System; adds +2D to Perception checks in low-visibility situations, +2D to ranged weapon skill uses against targets moving more than 10 meters per round; polarized lenses prevent flash-blinding.
*Utility Belt: High-tension wire, grappling hooks, spare blaster power packs, ion flares, concentrated rations, spare comlink, water packs, 2 medpacs.

Modified E-11 Blaster Rifle
Model: BlasTech E-11/S Blaster Rifle
Type: Modified blaster/slug-thrower
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster (for blaster), firearms (for slug-thrower)
Ammo: 25 (blaster), 6 (slug-thrower)
Cost: 7,000
Availability: 4, X
Range: 3-30/100/300 (blaster), 3-30/150/400 (slugthrower)
Damage: 5D+2 (blaster), 4D+2 (slug-thrower)