Species modifier: +3

Ambidextrous Fighting: +2
No off-hand penalties.

Silence: +3
The character can move in complete silence. +2D to Sneak and +1D to attacking from behind

Speed: +1
The character is extremely fast.+2 m/round move

Magnanimous Appeal +3
When running doesn't work, she's learned to talk her way out - Dooku was a great role model for diplomacy if nothing else. +1 to Renown and Persuasion

Gifted Learner: +3 (SENSE)
Dooku recruited Sulia in part for her talent for telepathy, and strong connection to the Cosmic Force. She learns SENSE skills as if she has a teacher and receives a 1 CP discount on SENSE skill improvement, including Specializations, to a minimum of 1.

Renegade: -4
Wanted by the Empire as a known Separatist holdout, and Force-sensitive. -1 to Renown, 1 in 3 chance to cause a confrontation with authorities.

Vendetta: -8
Moff Tarkin was not, in fact, amused by her accusations, or her apparent if not real command of the Separatist forces he was fighting. 2 in 3 chance to generate a confrontation with Tarkin, if so, Willpower DC 21 grants 1D bonus to Hide, Sneak, Run, & Dodge for 3 rounds.

Vulnerability: -2 (Force-inhibiting effects Ex: Ysalamiri, Suppression, Null Spheres, etc)
Sulia suffers from a mystical Dark Side condition brought upon herself during the Battle of Halm. Until cured, her body keeps itself together with the Force, and if deprived, she suffers a DC 10 penalty to all Strength skills and checks.

Minor Stigma: -1
Despite later training, Sulia's primary knowledge of how to use the Force comes from her upbringing in the Cosmic Force-centered Mirialan Force tradition. Accordingly, she requires permission from the Living Force in order to aid someone directly. She must spend one round praying before using any Force power that beneficially acts on another person, for fear the power would be twisted as if calling on the Dark Side.